Post-growth: the science of wellbeing within planetary boundaries | Journal Paper
A comprehensive new review by leading experts in the sustainability science field is challenging the long-held assumption that economic growth is necessary for societal progress. Published in The Lancet Planetary Health, this paper explores the rapidly advancing field of postgrowth research and presents a compelling case for prosperity without growth.
The False Economy of Big Food. And the case for a new food economy | Report
New analysis commissioned by the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC) has found that the costs of Britain’s unhealthy food system amount to £268 billion every year – almost equivalent to the total annual UK healthcare spend. The report by Professor Tim Jackson provides the first comprehensive estimate of the food-related cost of chronic disease, caused by the current food system.
Growth and the planet | Reuters Podcast
Climate change is raising questions about a central tenet of economics: growth. Host Carmel Crimmins is joined by economist Tim Jackson to talk about consumerism and the environment and what “post growth” might look like. Plus, we hear from the person who compiles Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index.
Confronting the dilemma of growth. A response to Warlenius.
This commentary responds to a recent article purporting to identify ‘limits to degrowth’. This paper clarifies and sets in context the tensions between growth rates and decoupling rates on which the contested argument is based, disputing the claim that growth is the best way to achieve high rates of decoupling.
Growth dependency in the welfare state | Journal Paper
Modern economies rely on economic growth for stability and prosperity, but this dependence is ecologically unsustainable. Understanding growth dependency is crucial. This paper proposes a sector-led framework to transform these reliances and disrupt their inevitability.
Audiobook | Post Growth—Life After Capitalism, narrated by Tim Jackson
We are pleased to announce the release of the audiobook edition of Tim Jackson's prize-winning "Post Growth—Life After Capitalism". Through his own narration, Tim brings a personal touch to the profound themes of Post Growth, offering an accessible and engaging experience for audiences to absorb his insights on the go.
Blame Capitalism: Degrowing Pains | podcast
#TodayExplained Podcast with Tim Jackson investigating the ailing capitalist model, and ‘why the degrowth movement is having a moment’. Tim recently joined Noel King for her series on ‘Blame Capitalism’ to discuss the subject, and the emerging relevance of postgrowth economics and policy making.
NZ International Science Festival
The New Zealand International Science Festival hosted Prof Jackson this year with the support of the British Council New Zealand and the Pacific. He is joined by the Director of the Centre For Sustainability, Caroline Orchinson, for this evening talk.
Full Circle Brussels: Imagining a postgrowth economy
To provide prosperity for all while respecting planetary boundaries, it is imperative we transcend both the conventional growth-centred worldview and our growth-dependent economic and social systems. Tim Jackson explores how to get there.
Imagining life after capitalism | Radio NZ with Kim Hill
Tim Jackson was invited onto the Radio NZ Saturday Morning programme with Kim Hill to discus post-growth economics, staggering inequalities legitimated by the trickle-down ideology, and the motivation for his most recent book Post Growth-life after capitalism.
Degrowth can work—here’s how science can help | Nature Article
Wealthy countries can create prosperity while using less materials and energy if they abandon economic growth as an objective. This Nature comment piece together with Jason Hickel, Giorgos Kallis, Julia Steinberger and more is laying out the key challenges of a just post-growth transition.
Economic Growth—can we ever have enough? | BBC Radio 4 Analysis
As the twin storms of economic turmoil and worsening climate change grip the the world, BBC Radio 4 Analysis examines the future of economic growth. Does it offer a route out of economic malaise, or have its benefits reached a ceiling for developed countries?
Why UK’s ‘treasured free-market economy’ will not achieve net zero
Whatever the UK government says it’s doing—and not doing—one thing is clear, Tim Jackson writes, the “treasured free-market economy” is never going to compensate for our failure to insulate people’s homes against the cold, and the future against the ravages of climate change.
Earth vs Growth | Economic Observatory Blog by Tim Jackson
Carbon efficiency is improving, but far too slowly to offset climate change. We need to get beyond our relentless pursuit of growth, writes Tim Jackson for the Economics Obersavatory ahead of COP26. Only a few economists – and even fewer politicians – have challenged the primacy of economic growth. But being frightened to scare the horses is no way to win the race against climate change.
Book launch: Wie wollen wir leben?—Tim Jackson in conversation with Barbara Unmüßig
On 18 October 2021, Tim Jackson talks to Barbara Unmüßig, director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, about the German edition of his latest book Post Growth—’Wie wollen wir leben?’ (Oekom, 2021). The book is not just a manifesto for system change, but an invitation to rekindle a deeper conversation about the nature of the human condition.