NEWS | continued

For newer items, please see the primary News page.
The Problematic Role of Materialistic Values in the Pursuit of Sustainable Well-Being | Journal paper
March 23, 2022

The Problematic Role of Materialistic Values in the Pursuit of Sustainable Well-Being | Journal paper

Strong materialistic values help to maintain consumer capitalism, but they can have negative consequences for individual well-being, for social equity and for environmental sustainability. In this paper, we add to the existing literature on the adverse consequences of materialistic values by highlighting their negative association with engagement in attitudes and actions that support the achievement ...
A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care | Journal Paper
March 23, 2022

A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care | Journal Paper

Long-term care systems across countries within the OECD have undergone a progressive marketisation and financialisation in recent decades. In this Personal View, we argue that the accomapnying neoliberal market values make poor guiding principles for the care sector, identifying the dysfunctional dynamics that arise as a result, and reflecting on the clinical implications of each, ...
Is our obsession with GDP killing the climate?—BBC World Service with  Tim Jackson, Kate Raworth, Jayati Ghosh and Celestin Monga
March 2, 2022

Is our obsession with GDP killing the climate?—BBC World Service with Tim Jackson, Kate Raworth, Jayati Ghosh and Celestin Monga

BBC World Service’s The Climate Question discussing the implications and interdependencies of the GDP growth imperative.
Land is the new frontier to greenwash corporate sins | Letter to the Financial Times
February 22, 2022

Land is the new frontier to greenwash corporate sins | Letter to the Financial Times

Letter by John Meadley and CUSP director Tim Jackson to the Financial Times, highlighting the urgent need for decent land use policy, to prevent the same predatory financial practices prevalent in the social care sector from taking hold in rural communities too.
Aligning the UK’s economic goals with environmental sustainability | EAC inquiry
February 16, 2022

Aligning the UK’s economic goals with environmental sustainability | EAC inquiry

On 9 February 2022, CUSP director Tim Jackson gave oral evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee on their beyond GPD inquiry, addressing questions around growth dependency and the limitations of the ‘inclusive wealth’ concept.
Self-transcendent experiences and sustainable prosperity | Journal Paper
February 14, 2022

Self-transcendent experiences and sustainable prosperity | Journal Paper

The achievement of sustainable prosperity requires the enhancement of human wellbeing alongside increased care for the environment. In this working paper, Patrick Elf, Amy Isham and Tim Jackson explore the emerging potential of Self-Transcendent Experiences (STEs) to deliver beneficial effects on human wellbeing and sustainable attitudes and behaviours.
Beyond the Debt Controversy—Re-framing fiscal and monetary policy for a post-pandemic era | Working Paper and Policy Briefing
February 1, 2022

Beyond the Debt Controversy—Re-framing fiscal and monetary policy for a post-pandemic era | Working Paper and Policy Briefing

In the years since the financial crisis, a heated debate has broken out amongst macroeconomists about the appropriate roles of fiscal and monetary policy in managing public sector debt. This working paper and accompanying policy briefing introduce the main lines of argument on both sides of the controversy. We find i.a. that a return to ...
The Art Of Power
January 28, 2022

The Art Of Power

CUSP Director Tim Jackson reflects on the life of and work of the late Thich Nhat Hanh and its relevance for contemporary debates about the meaning of prosperity and power. (This blog first appeared on the CUSP website.) The Vietnamese Buddhist monk, writer and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh, who died recently aged 95, left Vietnam ...
Finding flow: exploring the potential for sustainable fulfilment | Journal Paper by Amy Isham and Tim Jackson
January 15, 2022

Finding flow: exploring the potential for sustainable fulfilment | Journal Paper by Amy Isham and Tim Jackson

In this article, Amy Isham and Tim Jackson explore the dynamics of a psychological state known as flow. By synthesising the results of a series of experience sampling, survey, and experimental studies, we identify optimal activities that are shown to have low environmental costs and high levels of human wellbeing.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi—A visionary for our time | By Amy Isham and Tim Jackson
December 1, 2021

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi—A visionary for our time | By Amy Isham and Tim Jackson

Professor Mihaly ‘Mike’ Csikszentmihalyi was one of the founders of the positive psychology movement and father of the concept of ‘flow’. His death last month at the age of 87 marks the passing of a rare and visionary scientist. In this blog, Amy Isham and Tim Jackson reflect upon his life and legacy.
World Scientists Warning into Action—Tim Jackson in conversation with Ed Gemmell at #COP26
November 6, 2021

World Scientists Warning into Action—Tim Jackson in conversation with Ed Gemmell at #COP26

Press conference on post-growth economics, zero carbon sooner and the climate economics challenge at #COP26. Hosted by Scientists Warning Europe, 5 November 2021.
Why health should replace wealth as the heart of prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson and Julian Sheather
November 5, 2021

Why health should replace wealth as the heart of prosperity | Blog by Tim Jackson and Julian Sheather

The economic system to which we are in thrall throws us out of balance, Tim Jackson and Julian Sheather write in this blog. By failing to meet our most essential needs it is doomed to immiserate and, ultimately, sicken us. We urgently need to regain a richer, more satisfying understanding of ourselves, and our place ...
Earth vs Growth | Economic Observatory Blog by Tim Jackson
November 5, 2021

Earth vs Growth | Economic Observatory Blog by Tim Jackson

Carbon efficiency is improving, but far too slowly to offset climate change. We need to get beyond our relentless pursuit of growth, writes Tim Jackson for the Economics Obersavatory ahead of COP26. Only a few economists – and even fewer politicians – have challenged the primacy of economic growth. But being frightened to scare the ...
Zero Carbon Sooner — Revised case for an early zero carbon target for the UK | Paper
October 17, 2021

Zero Carbon Sooner — Revised case for an early zero carbon target for the UK | Paper

This paper is an update of an earlier briefing note, revised to take account of new findings from the IPCC’s updated 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The broad aim of the paper is to establish how soon the UK should aim for (net) zero carbon emissions.
Book launch: Wie wollen wir leben?—Tim Jackson in conversation with Barbara Unmüßig
September 24, 2021

Book launch: Wie wollen wir leben?—Tim Jackson in conversation with Barbara Unmüßig

On 18 October 2021, Tim Jackson talks to Barbara Unmüßig, director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, about the German edition of his latest book Post Growth—’Wie wollen wir leben?’ (Oekom, 2021). The book is not just a manifesto for system change, but an invitation to rekindle a deeper conversation about the nature of the human ...
Materialistic values, flow experiences and the role of self-regulatory resources | Journal Paper
September 17, 2021

Materialistic values, flow experiences and the role of self-regulatory resources | Journal Paper

Previous research has shown that the possession of materialistic values can lead individuals to be less likely to experience flow, an important component of well-being. This study tested whether a lack of self-regulatory resources, and a tendency to use self-regulatory resources for avoidance purposes, can mediate this relationship.
Billionaire space race: the ultimate symbol of capitalism’s flawed obsession with growth
July 21, 2021

Billionaire space race: the ultimate symbol of capitalism’s flawed obsession with growth

Now is not the time to abandon spaceship Earth, Tim Jackson writes in his essay for The Conversation UK Insights Series. Let’s dream of some “final frontier” by all means. But let’s focus our minds too on some quintessentially earthly priorities.
Tackling growth dependency—the case of adult social care | Report and Briefing
July 21, 2021

Tackling growth dependency—the case of adult social care | Report and Briefing

Paper by Christine Corlet Walker and Tim Jackson, presenting a systematic approach to identifying, analysing and transforming growth dependencies in the welfare state. Using adult social care as the case study, the paper explores how growing demand, rising costs and rent seeking can create growth dependencies.
Outrage and Optimism | Podcast with Tim Jackson, Christiane Figueres and Johan Rockström
June 30, 2021

Outrage and Optimism | Podcast with Tim Jackson, Christiane Figueres and Johan Rockström

Listen in for a sobering, gripping, and stubbornly optimistic conversation about the most decisive decade in human history. How can we change the stories we tell ourselves, to engage, inspire and empower people toward climate action?
A Canopy of Hope
June 21, 2021

A Canopy of Hope

Wangari Maathai’s is just one of the many stories that have brought inspiration to Tim (and to countless others, of course) in the last decades. So it was to her and to others that he turned, when he sat down to write Post Growth – life after capitalism, which has just been published by Polity.
Inside Impact Investing | Triodos Podcast
June 10, 2021

Inside Impact Investing | Triodos Podcast

Impact investing is a driving force in the transition to a more inclusive and sustainable world. In this podcast series, Tim Jackson and Hans Stegeman discuss the shortcomings of our current economic system and explore how the financial sector can play a crucial role in providing the capital needed to realise real and profound change.
INET podcast on Life after Capitalism | Tim Jackson in conversation with Rob Johnson
May 29, 2021

INET podcast on Life after Capitalism | Tim Jackson in conversation with Rob Johnson

INET’s Executive Director Rob Johnson talks with Jackson about his new book, “Post Growth: Life after Capitalism,” and how we might break free of the cycle of restrictive thinking which has plagued economics, and the world.
Is there life after the growth imperative? | RSA Bridges to the Future Podcast
May 17, 2021

Is there life after the growth imperative? | RSA Bridges to the Future Podcast

Is relentless economic growth the best way to measure human progress? Tim Jackson in conversation with Matthew Taylor as part of the RSA ‘Bridges to the Future’ podcast series, putting “practitioners on the spot by asking for one big idea to help build effective bridges to our new future.”
Is economic growth compatible with solving climate change? | Tim Jackson in conversation with Zeke Hausfather from Breakthrough Institute
May 9, 2021

Is economic growth compatible with solving climate change? | Tim Jackson in conversation with Zeke Hausfather from Breakthrough Institute

Can an economy grow and curb climate emissions? That’s the dual feat that President Joe Biden is trying to accomplish. Economists and environmentalists are split on this question. The World’s host Marco Werman discusses this with climate scientist Zeke Hausfather at The Breakthrough Institute in California, and ecological economist Tim Jackson at the University of ...
Confronting inequality in the “new normal”: Hyper‐capitalism, proto‐socialism, and post‐pandemic recovery | Journal Paper
May 6, 2021

Confronting inequality in the “new normal”: Hyper‐capitalism, proto‐socialism, and post‐pandemic recovery | Journal Paper

Post‐pandemic recovery must address the systemic inequality that has been revealed by the coronavirus crisis. The roots of this inequality predate the pandemic and even the global financial crisis. They lie rather in the uneasy relationship between labor and capital under conditions of declining economic growth
Another Europe is Possible Podcast | Do economies always have to grow? The question facing capitalism.
April 29, 2021

Another Europe is Possible Podcast | Do economies always have to grow? The question facing capitalism.

In this podcast, hosts Zoe Williams and Luke Cooper talk to Tim Jackson, about his new book, Post-Growth; Life After Capitalism. Every society in the world shares a fundamental cultural assumption about how our economies work: that growth is good. But what if this is running up against both its material and ecological limits?
Circular Metabolism | Podcast
April 28, 2021

Circular Metabolism | Podcast

The Circular Metabolism podcast is hosted by Aristide Athanassiadis from Metabolism of Cities. In his podcast he interviews thinkers, researchers, policy makers and practitioners to better understand the metabolism of our cities and how to reduce their environmental impact in a socially just and context-specific way.
Imagining Life after Capitalism | FreshEd podcast with Tim Jackson
April 19, 2021

Imagining Life after Capitalism | FreshEd podcast with Tim Jackson

In this podcast Will Brehm and Tim Jackson talk about the power of ideas and imagine what life might look like after capitalism. In his new book, Post Growth: Life after capitalism, Tim shows the limits of the dominant metaphors used to explain our current world and argues for new metaphors to help imagine a ...
Video | Ökonomie jenseits der Schwäbischen Hausfrau
April 19, 2021

Video | Ökonomie jenseits der Schwäbischen Hausfrau

Conversation with Mathew D. Rose as part of the event series “Ökonomie jenseits der Schwäbischen Hausfrau”, hosted by Brave New Europe, Helle Panke eV and the Rosa Luxemburg Stfitung. More details via the Brave New Europe website.
Welfare systems without economic growth | Review paper
April 16, 2021

Welfare systems without economic growth | Review paper

Welfare systems across the OECD face many combined challenges, with rising inequality, demographic changes and environmental crises likely to drive up welfare demand in the coming decades. Economic growth is no longer a sustainable solution to these problems. It is therefore imperative that we consider how welfare systems will cope with these challenges in the ...
Careless Finance—Operational and economic fragility in adult social care | CUSP Working Paper
March 25, 2021

Careless Finance—Operational and economic fragility in adult social care | CUSP Working Paper

Adult social care across the OECD is in crisis. Covid-19 has exposed deep fragilities. Principal amongst these is the process of marketisation and financialisation of the social care sector. In this paper, we take a critical perspective on this process. We find that marketisation has facilitated the conditions for both financial fragility and operational failure.
COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned one year on | Tim Jackson in conversation with Al Jazeera
March 24, 2021

COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned one year on | Tim Jackson in conversation with Al Jazeera

In this short video from Al Jazeera, CUSP Director Tim Jackson breaks down some of the lessons learned from the pandemic, as pressure builds to fix devastating economic inequality.
Energy transition risk: The impact of declining energy return on investment (EROI) | Journal Paper
March 22, 2021

Energy transition risk: The impact of declining energy return on investment (EROI) | Journal Paper

The TranSim modelling work shows that the negative effects associated with the transition—recession, stagnation, stagflation, increasing inequality and asset stranding—are positively related to the capital intensity of green energy production and reductions in EROI. Policy makers should pay close attention to the overall EROI of the entire energy system when determining energy policy. If significant ...
Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link | Journal paper
February 22, 2021

Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link | Journal paper

Labour productivity is a key concept for understanding the way modern economies use resources and features prominently in ecological economics. Ecological economists have questioned the desirability of labour productivity growth on both environmental and social grounds. In this paper we aim to contribute to ongoing debates by focusing on the link between labour productivity and ...
Modelling Transition Risk—Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework
February 11, 2021

Modelling Transition Risk—Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework

This working paper summarises the initial findings of a project whose aim has been to develop an agent-based (AB), stock-flow-consistent (SFC) macroeconomic framework to study the economic, financial and social implications of the transition to a net zero carbon economy.
Modelling Transition Risk | Blog
February 10, 2021

Modelling Transition Risk | Blog

Tim Jackson summarises the recent TRansit project which has pioneered a novel agent-based, stock-flow consistent macro-economic model. Tim discusses the findings from the project and sets them in the context of the Bank of England’s work on ‘transition risk’.
The Nature of Prosperity and the Prosperity of Nature
November 22, 2020

The Nature of Prosperity and the Prosperity of Nature

How can nature writing contribute to the common good, we wanted to know? Could writing about nature ‘help generate a collective and popular politics of conservation and connection’—Foreword to the new CUSP online collection of essays on nature, ecological challenges and connections between people and place: “Nature Writing for the Common Good”.
Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss | Journal Paper
November 11, 2020

Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss | Journal Paper

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused dramatic and unprecedented impacts on both global health and economies. Many governments are now proposing recovery packages to get back to normal, but the 2019 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Global Assessment indicated that business as usual has created widespread ecosystem degradation. Therefore, a post-COVID world needs ...
Podcast | Curb excess capitalism to save nature |@BBC5Live with Tim Jackson
October 16, 2020

Podcast | Curb excess capitalism to save nature |@BBC5Live with Tim Jackson

The possibility that we can live better, healthier and more fulfilling lives without the relentless consumption that damages the planet was one of the points of discussion when BBC presenter Nihal Arthanayake invited CUSP Director Tim Jackson and Policy Exchange analyst Benedict McAleenan to discuss the implications of Sir David’s remarks on Radio 5 Live’s ...
Podcast | Covid unemployment: a new crisis?—BBC World Service with Tim Jackson
September 22, 2020

Podcast | Covid unemployment: a new crisis?—BBC World Service with Tim Jackson

Millions have been left without work as the coronavirus pandemic continues to devastate economies across the globe. How does surging unemployment complicate the global response to the pandemic? Dan Damon and a panel of experts discuss what should be done for the BBC World Service.

Congreso Futuro | Prosperity on a Finite Planet

Tim Jackson joining the 7th Future Congress, Chile 17-19 Jan 2018
Set up by the Senate of Chile, with the aim to decentralize knowledge, the international, transdisciplinary event is considered to be the most important scientific dissemination event in Latin America, taking place over seven days in ten regions.

Beyond the Crisis—How to rethink the economy

Video interview with Tim Jackson, Internazionale
“We live in a financial, economic and social system that is now dysfunctional. At this point we need a radical solution,” says Tim Jackson, interviewed at the International Book Festival in Ferrara. “What we can do is build a system that does not rely on greed to work”.

Do we need economic growth? | BBC World Service Newshour Extra

Tim Jackson in dicscussion with Jared Bernstein, Annie Quick and Daniel Ben-Ami, Nov 2017
We are told again and again that GDP growth is good for the economy; it is said to lift people out of poverty, provides jobs and investment, and improves lives. While there is general agreement about the need for growth in the developing world, what about the costs of growth in the rich world?

Challenging an Unsustainable Economic System

Club of Rome Summer Academy, Florence 12 Sept 2017
Tim Jackson giving seminar at 1st Club of Rome Summer Academy. Focusing on new economic thinking beyond growth, the academy offers in-depth, cutting-edge insights “to mobilise students and academics, young professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, young journalists, artists and activists.” For details please see the Club of Rome website.

Prosperità senza crescita, Nuova Edizione

Tim Jackson at Festivaletteratura, Mantova 9 Sept 2017
Following German and French, the second edition of Prosperity Without Growth has now been translated into Italian. Tim will be presenting his work at the Festivaletteratura di Mantova on Saturday 9 Sept. For details please see the festival website.

From Economic Growth to Growth in Wellbeing

Resurgence Festival with Tim Jackson, London 23 Sept 2017
The Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, Britain’s flagship green magazine, is hosting its fifth Festival of Wellbeing. The event will raise money for The Resurgence Trust and features CUSP Director Tim Jackson in conversation with Satish Kumar.

The future of jobs: is decent work for all a pipe dream?

Tim Jackson writing for The Guardian, 15 August 2017
Rapid developments in technology and unpredictable economies are destabilising employment as we know it. What are the possible solutions? It’s not the demand for human labour that is disappearing, Tim Jackson argues, but the institutions and economics to deliver it.

Wohlstand Ohne Wachstum – Das Update

German Translation of Prosperity Without Growth, Berlin, 19 July 2017
The second edition of Tim’s groundbreaking book is now translated into German. The launch event, organised by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, was held in July 2017 in Berlin.

Learning to Thrive

Innovation Unit Event with Tim Jackson, London 28 June 2017
What does it really mean to thrive in today’s world, and what are the key ingredients of a good society that works for everyone? Tim Jackson discussing solutions at evening event co-hosted by Innovation Unit, Webb Memorial Trust and Compass.

Can economies thrive without growth?

RSA Radio with Tim Jackson and Matthew Taylor, June 2017
When economies stop growing they go into crisis, but it seems impossible for them to grow forever without causing ecological catastrophe. Matthew Taylor talks to Tim Jackson about the big dilemma in sustainability and his book Prosperity without Growth which charted a way out of it.

The Future of ‘Good Work’

Tim Jackson at The Unusual Suspects Festival, London 14 June 2017
Society tells us to value meaning in work, whilst the education and work opportunities that would allow people to find fulfilling work remain wholly inadequate. What if each citizen had a basic income that would allow them to explore what they really care about? What if we were taught to define our own success instead of being led by financial constraints or what other people think? What if work was a vehicle to serve a collective purpose rather than individual gain? At this event, you will hear insights from people who have been working with building blocks for a radically different way of working. .

Oxford Festival of the Arts | Oxford Green Week

Tim Jackson in conversation with Lola Perrin and Kate Raworth, 25 June 2017
Composer Lola Perrin presents a keyboard conversation about climate change for piano, guest speakers and audience. Featuring Kate Raworth together with Tim Jackson. The event forms part of the Oxford Festival of the Arts and the Oxford Green Week.

Shaping energy efficiency policies of tomorrow

Tim Jackson at eceee 2017 Summer Study, 29 May – 3 June 2017
Energy efficiency can only take us so far. To meet sustainable energy policy aims and move towards a sustainable society, we must think about limits to energy consumption. This plenary with Tim Jackson and Yves Marignac will be discussing ideas of how our way of living can change so that we reduce energy demand but at the same time maintain or improve our quality of life.

When all parties want ‘an economy that works’, you know neoliberalism is kaputt

Tim Jackson writing for The Guardian, 31 May 2017
Privatised gain and socialised loss is the defining story of capitalism over the last decades. Free-market economics has undermined the fabric of society and left millions behind – and manifestos across the political spectrum recognise it.

How to kick the growth addiction

Tim Jackson in conversation with Allen White, April 2017
Endless economic growth, long the rallying cry of the conventional paradigm, endangers our future. Ecological economist Tim Jackson, CUSP Director and author of Prosperity Without Growth, explores the need to envision a post-growth economy with Allen White, Senior Fellow at the Tellus Institute.

Conservation and the real world

Earth Optimism Cambridge, 22 April 2017
On 22 April 2017, the Cambridge Conservation Initiative of the UK is partnering with the Smithsonian in hosting an Earth Optimism event in Cambridge. Tim Jackson will be joining a panel with Jane Goodall, Sebastian Pole and David Amaning Kwarteng. Other speakers of the day include Fiona Reynolds, Steven Pinker and David Attenborough.

10th anniversary | Sustainable Development at University of St Andrews

18 April 2017
Professor Tim Jackson to give public lecture presenting his new book and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the St Andrews Sustainable Development degree programme.

Inclusive and Sustainable Economies Powering the SDGs

Tim Jackson at international PAGE conference | Berlin 26 March 2017

CUSP Director Prof Tim Jackson is joining the opening panel of the 2nd international ministerial conference of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), taking place at the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany.

Luxexpo, Business Forum and Springbreak Opening Session

Discover the Future… Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow | Luxembourg 22 March 2017
Tim Jackson will be opening the Luxexpo Springbreak Business Forum in Luxembourg.  The world is facing recession, climate change, growing equality and more.  Tim Jackson is challenging economic principles and explains how we can stop feeding crises and start investing in our future.  He will share his vision of the alternatives available to us. Tim will be introduced by Romain Poulles, President of the Luxembourg Center for Circular Economy.
Also in attendance will be Luxembourg’s Grand-Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa.

Rethinking Capitalism

Tim Jackson in podium discussion with Mariana Mazzucato and Michael Jacobs, London 15 Mar 2017
In their joint book presentation, Mariana Mazzucato and Michael Jacobs seek to explain the causes of the current economic crisis. They show how alternative economic approaches can better explain how capitalism works, why it often doesn’t, and how it can be made more innovative, inclusive and sustainable. The lecture was followed by a discussion with CUSP Director Tim Jackson and audience Q&A. You can watch the video recording on the CUSP website.

ETUI Monthly Forum with Tim Jackson and Marie-Hélène Ska

Brussels 13 March 2017
The European Trade Union Institute has invited Tim to introduce his substantially revised and re-written second edition of Prosperity Without Growth at their March monthly Forum.  The presentation will be met by Marie-Hélène Ska who will comment on the arguments from a workers’ perspective having in mind the challenges and new opportunities that this new vision of social progress may bring about. The ETUI interview can be accessed in the video gallery.

On Prosperity Without Growth and Paths to a Sustainable Society

Tim Jackson in conversation with Barbara Unmüßig, Brussels 13 March 2017
Tim Jackson’s challenge to conventional economics openly questioned the pursuit of exponential economic growth. Its findings inspired debate and led to a new wave of research building on its arguments and conclusions. At the same time the critique on greening the existing economy as the solution grew stronger. In Inside the Green Economy, Barbara Unmüßig and her co-authors set out to show that the promise of the Green Economy to reconcile continuous economic growth with ecological sustainability is a fallacy.

Prosperity without Growth | Lecture with Prof Tim Jackson

Christchurch NZ, 17 February 2017
On the occasion of the launch of the revised 2nd edition of Prosperity without Growth, Tim Jackson will give a lecture at University of Canterbury. The CUSP Director will discuss how much has changed in our new political and economic reality, and ask what we mean by a ‘post-growth’ economy? How can we live well in a finite planet?

Integrating Health and Environment | NCSE conference with Tim Jackson

Washington, 24 January 2017
CUSP Director Prof Tim Jackson has been invited to give a keynote presentation at the 17th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment in Washington, D.C.. The event is hosted by The National Council for Science and the Environments.

Prosperity without Growth – Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow

New book by Tim Jackson
A new edition of Prosperity Without Growth – the landmark work by CUSP Director Professor Tim Jackson – was launched at a special event on 19 December at the University of Surrey, which also celebrated his appointment as 2016 Hillary Laureate.


An economy that works

Blog by Tim Jackson
Prosperity isn’t just about earning more and having more, it consists in our ability to participate meaningfully in the life of society. A vital element that has gone missing for ordinary people over recent decades, Tim Jackson argues. We must question the fundamental structures behind our economies before they will work for everyone.

Disruptive Innovation Festival

Tim Jackson in conversation with Ken Webster and Joss Blériot
Having explored in depth the topic of our industrialised societies’ relationship with materials, as well as the need for gradual decoupling between development and resource impact, Tim Jackson joins the Disruptive Innovation Festival and discusses the potential of the circular economy at scale.

Rethinking the Green Economy

Panel discussion w/ Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson joining discussion panel at “Inside the Green Economy” book launch, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 19 September 2016.

Nexus Thinking

Annual RGS conference w/ Tim Jackson
The debate on limits to growth is now more than four decades old. But recent experience offers new insights into the challenge. As part of the Annual RGS conference, Tim Jackson’s talk starts from a critical examination of the conventional vision and explores the possibilities for moving beyond it.

Care, Craft & Creativity: Towards the Economy of Tomorrow

Resurgence 50th anniversary w/ Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson to give lecture at Resurgence magazine’s 50th anniversary event: One Earth, One Humanity, One Future – 23 September 2016, Oxford.

Fostering a Sustainable Prosperity

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, 11 July 2016
Tim Jackson to speak at the 2016 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the UN’s central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and SDGs.

Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow

Tim Jackson in conversation with Kim Hill, 9 July 2016
In this interview with Kim Hill at Radio NZ, Tim Jackson is discussing the foundations for a post-growth economy; and why keeping the vision of social progress is vital, particularly in times of crises.

Tim Jackson named 2016 Hillary Laureate

CUSP Director Tim Jackson to receive prestigious international award for exceptional mid-career leadership, 20 June 2016
The Hillary Institute of International Leadership has announced today the selection of Tim Jackson as the 2016 Hillary Laureate for exceptional mid-career Leadership. The Director of CUSP is the Institute’s 7th annual global Laureate since 2009.
Intelligence Squared Panel w/ Stephanie Flanders & Deirdre McCloskey | London, 16 May 2016

Is the Party Over for Economic Growth?

Tim Jackson in panel debate at Emmanuel Centre, London, 16 May 2016
Intelligence Squared is hosting a discussion on the future of the global economy. Other panelists include Stephanie Flanders, JP Morgan’s chief market strategist for Europe, and acclaimed US economic historian Deirdre McCloskey. The evening will be moderated by Kamal Ahmed, Economics Editor of BBC News.

Growth – the good, the bad, and the ugly

St Gallen Symposium w/ Tim Jackson/span>
Tim Jackson gives opening keynote and in-depth workshop at the 46th St. Gallen Symposium, a high-profile annual conference designed to “capture and condense the most relevant debates currently shaping the world around us and making them center-stage.”

The Nature of Prosperity

Launch event: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)
CUSP is directed by Prof Tim Jackson.The event is the first in a series of public debates (hosted by CUSP) engaging young and old alike across business, policy and civil society in one of the most vital questions of our time: what does prosperity mean in a world of environmental and social limits?

Limits Revisited

New publication by Prof Tim Jackson and Robin Webster – April 2016
To coincide with the launch of a new All Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth, Tim Jackson discusses the continuing relevance of the Club of Rome’s groundbreaking report in today’s context and introduces Limits Revisited, a new review of the debate, co-written with environmental writer Robin Webster.

Towards a Stock-Flow Consistent Macroeconomics

New publication by Prof Tim Jackson et al – April 2016
Tim Jackson and his colleagues have developed a suite of macroeconomic models based on the methodology of Post – Keynesian Stock Flow Consistent (SFC) system dynamics. Taken together these models represent the first steps in constructing a new macroeconomic synthesis capable of exploring the economic and financial dimensions of an economy confronting resource or environmental constraints.

This photomicrograph shows spinal ganglion cells, neurites and stellate chromatophores (CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0) Franck Genten /

Design for life: a commentary on Peter Sterling’s ‘why we consume’

Guest blog for the Great Transition Initiative
Why do we ever constrain our instinct for short-term pleasure? Particularly if, as this essay claims, short-term pleasure is all there is. Why is it that the most fulfilling activities in the long term have more to do with short-term pain than short-term pleasure?

CC-BY-NC 2.0 :: Geraint Rowland /

Towards a sustainable prosperity

Tim Jackson introducing the CUSP work programme – 18 Feb 2016
In the first blog of this new series, CUSP director Prof Tim Jackson explores the nature of prosperity and the challenge of achieving sustainable prosperity.


Growth in Transition

Tim Jackson gives keynote lecture at 2016 Growth in Transition Conference – 24 Feb 2016
This year’s Growth in Transition Conference focuses on three key subject areas: Constraints, Transformation and Development. Tim Jackson will give a keynote lecture on Flourishing within Limits – The Foundations for a Sustainable Prosperity