A selection of publications is listed below. The full list of publications is available for download in pdf (last updated 21 Mar 2024).
Jackson, T 2025. The Care Economy. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jackson, T 2021. Post Growth. Life after Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jackson, T 2017. Prosperity without Growth – Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow. London: Routledge.
Costanza R, Alperovitz G, Daly H, Farley J, Franco C, Jackson T, Kubiszewski I, Schor J, Victor P. 2013: Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy –in-Society- in-Nature. ANU E Press, Caberra, Australia.
Peters, M, S Fudge and T Jackson (eds) 2010. Low carbon communities: imaginative approaches to combating climate change locally. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without Growth – Economics for a Finite Planet. London: Earthscan.
Jackson, T (ed) 2006. Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption. London: Earthscan.
Mulugetta, Y, Doig A and T Jackson 2006. Energy for Rural Livelihoods: a framework for sustainable decision-making, London, ITDG Publishers.
Jackson, T (ed) 2001. Mitigating Climate Change: the flexibility mechanisms, Elsevier Science, Oxford.
Jackson, T, K Begg and S Parkinson 2001. Flexibility in Climate Policy – making the Kyoto Mechanisms work, Earthscan, London.
Jackson, T 1997. Power in balance – energy challenges for the 21st century, Friends of the Earth, London. 176pp.
Jackson, T 1996. Material Concerns – pollution profit and quality of life, Routledge, London, 218pp.
Jackson, T (ed) 1993. Clean Production Strategies – developing preventive environmental management in the industrial economy, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Fl., 415pp.
Jackson, T (ed) 1993. Renewable Energy: prospects for implementation, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 272pp.
Jackson, T 1992. Efficiency without Tears: no regrets energy policy to combat climate change, Friends of the Earth, London, 82pp.
In addition to his ground-breaking books Material Concerns (1996) and Prosperity Without Growth (2009/2017), Tim has published his research to date in over 400 articles, ten edited collections and numerous reports. His book Post Growth—life after capitalism (2021) won the 2022 Eric Zencey Prize for Economics.
His latest work, The Care Economy, will be published by Polity Press in February 2025. A list of selected publications to date can be found below.
Kallis G, Hickel J, O’Neill D W, Jackson T, Victor P A, Raworth K, Schor J B, Steinberger J K and Diana Ürge-Vorsatz 2025. Post-growth: the science of wellbeing within planetary boundaries. In: The Lancet Planetary Health, Vol 9(1).
Jackson A and T Jackson 2025. Macroeconomic, sectoral and financial dynamics in energy transitions: A stock-flow consistent, input-output approach. In: Ecological Economics, Volume 230. DOI:
Jackson, T, J Hickel and G Kallis 2024. Confronting the dilemma of growth. A response to Warlenius. Ecological Economics, Vol 220.
Corlet Walker, C, Druckman A and T Jackson 2024. Growth dependency in the welfare state – An analysis of drivers in the UK’s adult social care sector and proposals for change. Ecological Economics 220:
Elkomy S and T Jackson 2024. Health resilience and the global pandemic: the effect of social conditions on Covid-19 mortality rate. Journal of International Development.
Leoni D, Jackson A and T Jackson 2024. Modelling Post-Growth and Trade: an open 2-region ecological stock-flow consistent model. CUSP Working Paper No. 41. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Loukianov A, Burningham K and T Jackson 2024. Living well today and tomorrow: young people, good life narratives, and sustainability. CUSP Working Paper Series, No. 39. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Jackson T, Gallant B and S Mair 2023. Towards a Model of Baumol’s Cost Disease in a Post Growth Economy—developments of the FALSTAFF stock-flow consistent (SFC) model. CUSP Working Paper No. 37. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Jackson T 2023. Foreword. In: Victor P 2023. Escape from Overshoot: Economics for a Planet in Peril. New Society Publishers, Canada.
Jackson T 2023. Without health there is no wealth. Why do so few governments understand this?. Guardian Opinion piece. The Guardian, 16 January 2023.
Leoni D, Jackson A and T Jackson 2023. Post Growth and the North-South Divide: a post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent analysis. CUSP Working Paper No. 38. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Isham A and T Jackson 2023. Whose ‘flow’ is it anyway? The demographic correlates of ‘flow proneness’. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 209. DOI:
Isham A and T Jackson 2023. Flow experiences in shopping activities: testing materialistic goal orientation as an antecedent. In: Psychological Reports, Feb 2023.
Jackson T 2022. Sunak’s growth fetish is a problem: he’s heading for the same budget trap as Truss. Guardian Opinion piece. The Guardian, 16 November 2022.
Jackson T, 2022. Aligning the UK’s economic goals with environmental sustainability. Evidence submission to the UK EAC. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Corlet Walker C, Kotecha V, Druckman A and T Jackson 2022. Held to ransom: What happens when investment firms take over UK care homes. CUSP Working Paper Series, No 35. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Corlet Walker C, Druckman A and T Jackson 2022. A critique of the marketisation of long-term residential and nursing home care. In: The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2022.
Hickel J, Kallis G, Jackson T, O’Neill D, Schor J B, Steinberger J K, Victor PA and D Ürge-Vorsatz 2022. Degrowth can work—here’s how science can help. In: Nature 612, 400-403 (2022). Doi:
Isham A, Verfuerth C, Armstrong A, Elf P, Gatersleben B and T Jackson 2022. The Problematic Role of Materialistic Values in the Pursuit of Sustainable Well-Being. In: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19(6), 3673.
Isham A, Elf P and Jackson T 2022. Self-transcendent experiences as promoters of ecological wellbeing? Exploration of the evidence and hypotheses to be tested. In: Front. Psychol. 13:1051478.
Isham A and T Jackson 2022. Finding flow: exploring the potential for sustainable fulfilment. In: The Lancet Planetary Health, Vol 6/1.
Jackson A, Jackson T and F van Lerven 2022. Beyond the Debt Controversy—Re-framing fiscal and monetary policy for a post-pandemic era. CUSP Working Paper No. 31. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Loukianov A, Burningham K and T Jackson 2022. The patterning of the discursive space in search for the #goodlife: A network analysis of the co-occurrence of Instagram hashtags. The Information Society, Oct 2022.
Meadley J and T Jackson 2022. Letter: Land is the new frontier to greenwash corporate sins. Financial Times. 11 February 2022.
Jackson T and J Sheather 2021. Why health should replace wealth as the heart of prosperity. BMJ blog, 05/11/2021.
Jackson T 2021. Zero Carbon Sooner. Revised Case for an Early Zero Carbon Target for the UK. CUSP Working Paper No 29. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson T 2021. Time for a new model?. In: Economics Observatory, Winter 2021, pp 24-25.
Jackson T 2021. Care over Growth. Project Syndicate. 29 Sept 2021.
Jackson T 2021. The twisted psychology of capitalism—and why it won’t hold sway forever. Fast Company, 30 June 2021.
Jackson, T 2021. Essay. In: Spinatsch, J 2021. Davos Is a Verb. Switzerland: Lars Muller Publishers.
Jackson T and A Jackson 2021. Beyond the Debt Controversy—Fiscal and monetary policy for the post-pandemic era. An Economy That Works Briefing Paper Series, No 5. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth, October 2021.
Jackson T and P Victor 2021. Confronting inequality in the “new normal”: Hyper‐capitalism, proto‐socialism, and post‐pandemic recovery. In: Sustainable Development, May 2021.
Corlet Walker C and T Jackson 2021. Tackling growth dependency—The case of adult social care. CUSP Working Paper Series No 28. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Corlet Walker C, Druckman A and T Jackson 2021. Welfare systems without economic growth: A review of the challenges and next steps for the field. In: Ecological Economics, Vol 186, 2021, 107066.
Corlet Walker C, Druckman A and T Jackson 2021. Careless finance: Operational and economic fragility in adult social care. CUSP Working Paper No 26. Guildford: Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.
Isham A, Gatersleben B and T Jackson 2021. Why do materialistic values undermine flow experiences? The role of self-regulatory resources. In: European Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 5/10.
Isham A, Mair S and T Jackson 2021. Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link. In: Ecological Economics, Vol 184, 106989.
Jackson A and T Jackson 2021. Modelling energy transition risk: The impact of declining energy return on investment (EROI). In: Ecological Economics, Volume 185.
Jackson, T 2020. Wellbeing Matters—Tackling growth dependency. An Economy That Works Briefing Paper Series, No 3. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth, February 2020.
Jackson, T and P Victor 2020. The Transition to a Sustainable Prosperity-A Stock-Flow-Consistent Ecological Macroeconomic Model for Canada. Ecological Economics, Vol 177.
Elkomy S, Mair S and T Jackson 2020. Energy and Productivity: a review of the literature. CUSP Working Paper No 23. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Isham A, Gatersleben B & T Jackson 2020. Materialism and the Experience of Flow. Journal of Happiness Stud (2020).
Isham A, Mair S and T Jackson 2020. Wellbeing and productivity: A review of the literature. CUSP Working Paper No 22. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Mair S, Druckman A and T Jackson 2020. A tale of two utopias: Work in a post-growth world. In: Ecological Economics, Vol 173.
Rye C and Jackson, T 2020. Using critical slowing down indicators to understand economic growth rate variability and secular stagnation Nature, 10: 10481.
Jackson T and P Victor 2019. Unravelling the claims for (and against) green growth. Science, 366 (6468): 950-951.
Jackson, T 2019. The storied state of economics: review of Robert Shiller’s Narrative Economics. Nature, 574:473-474.
Jackson T and P A Victor 2019: LowGrow SFC: a stock-flow-consistent ecological macroeconomic model for Canada. CUSP Working Paper No 16. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson, T 2019: “All Models Are Wrong”—The challenge of modelling ‘deep decarbonisation’. CUSP Working Paper No 19. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson, T 2019: Zero Carbon Sooner—The case for an early zero carbon target for the UK. CUSP Working Paper No 18. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson, T 2019: The Post-Growth Challenge: Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth. Ecological Economics, Vol 156: 236-246.
Jackson, T and P Victor 2019. Managing Without Growth: Exploring Possibilities. In: Victor, P: Managing Without Growth—Slower by Design, Not Disaster. Edward Elgar.
Corlet Walker, C and T Jackson 2019: Measuring Prosperity—Navigating the Options. CUSP Working Paper No 20. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Isham A, Gatersleben, B and T Jackson 2019. Flow Activities as a Route to Living Well With Less. In: Environment and Behavior, 51 (4): 431-461.
Mair, S, Druckman, A and T Jackson 2019. Higher Wages for Sustainable Development? Employment and Carbon Effects of Paying a Living Wage in Global Apparel Supply Chains. Ecological Economics, Vol 159, 11-13.
Jackson T 2018. How the light gets in—The science behind growth scepticism. Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, Blog, 4 November 2018.
Jackson, T 2018: Beyond Redistribution—Confronting inequality in an era of low growth. An Economy That Works Briefing Paper Series, No 2. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth, July 2018.
Isham, A, Gatersleben, B and T Jackson 2018. Flow Activities as a Route to Living Well With Less. In: Environment and Behavior.
Jackson, T 2018: Secular Stagnation’ meets ‘GDP Fetish. Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, Blog, 13 May 2018.
Jackson, T 2018: Understanding the ‘New Normal’—The Challenge of Secular Stagnation. An Economy That Works Briefing Paper Series, No 1. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth, July 2018.
Jackson, T and P Victor 2018: Confronting Inequality in a Post-Growth World—basic income, factor substitution and the future of work. CUSP Working Paper No 11. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson, T 2018: Shooting the Bridge – Liminality and the End of Capitalism. In Davies, W (Ed). Economic Science Fictions. London, Goldsmiths Press.
Jackson, T 2018: Everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, Blog, 18 March 2018.
Jackson, T and Smith, C 2018. Towards Sustainable Lifestyles. Understanding the Policy Challenge. Chapter 16 in Lewis, A (Ed). The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 481-515.
Mair, S, Druckman, A and T Jackson 2018: The Future Of Work — Lessons from the History of Utopian Thought. CUSP Working Paper No 13. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Rye, C and Jackson T. A review of EROEI-dynamics energy-transition models. In: Energy Policy, Vol 22, 2018.
Before 2018
Jackson, T 2017. The future of jobs: is decent work for all a pipe dream?. The Guardian, 15 August 2017.
Jackson, T 2017. When all parties want ‘an economy that works’, you know neoliberalism is kaputt. The Guardian, 31 May 2017.
Jackson, T 2016. Growing Pains. In: RSA, 21st Century Enlightenment, Vol 3 pp. 25-29.
Jackson, T 2016. Beyond consumer capitalism – foundations for a sustainable prosperity. CUSP Working Paper No 2. Guildford: University of Surrey
Jackson, T and R Webster 2016. Limits revisited – a review of the limits to growth debate. APPG on Limits to Growth, April 2016.
Jackson, T, Victor, P and A Asjad Naqvi 2016. Towards a Stock – Flow Consistent Ecological Macroeconomics. WWW for Europe: Work Package 205, Milestone 40 “Report on model results including additional policies to counter averse effects”. Working Paper no 114.
Jackson, T and P Victor 2016. Does slow growth lead to rising inequality? Some theoretical reflections and numerical simulations. Ecological Economics, Vol 121, pp. 206–219.
Jackson, T and P Victor 2015. Does credit create a growth imperative? A quasi-steady state economy with interest-bearing debt. Ecological Economics, Vol 120, pp. 32–48.
Armstrong, A and T Jackson 2015. The Mindful Consumer. Mindfulness training and the escape from consumerism. Friends of the Earth, Big Ideas.
Victor, P and T Jackson 2013. Developing a Demographic Sub-model and an Input-Output Structure for the Green Economy Macro-Model and Accounts (GEMMA) Framework, Final Report. CIGI – INET, 30 June 2013.
Jackson, T 2013. The Altruist Within. In: Sofia #109, pp. 4 – 9. Dinah Livingstone (Ed). ISSN: 1749-9062 | September 2013.
Jackson, T 2013. Angst essen Seele auf – Escaping the ‘iron cage’ of consumerism. In: Wuppertal Spezial (Vol 48), Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy.
Druckman A, Buck I, Hayward B and Jackson T. 2013: Time, gender and carbon: how British adults use their leisure time. In: Coote, A & J Franklin (Ed.). Time on our side: why we all need a shorter working week. New Economics Foundation: London (pp.101 – 112).
Jackson, T 2012. Let’s be less productive. In: The New York Times, 27 May 2012, p SR4
Jackson, T 2005. Motivating Sustainable Consumption: a review of evidence on consumer behaviour and behavioural change. London: Policy Studies Institute
Tim Jackson is a versatile dramatist with numerous radio-writing credits. His work includes love stories, biographies and thrillers.
His dramatic writing has helped bring scientific controversies to a wider audience. With radio producer Janet Whitaker he has explored the complexity of altruism and the controversy of ivory poaching. For former Archers producer Vanessa Whitburn he wrote a 30 episode environmental thriller series exploring the conflict between environment and development.
He has also collaborated closely with drama producer Peter Leslie Wild and documentary producer Rosie Boulton to pioneer new forms of drama-documentary for radio, focusing on the works of artists, writers, and musicians.
Awards for Tim’s radio work include the following: Variations won the 2007 Grand Prix Marulić and was long-listed for the 2008 Sony awards; The Language of Flowers won the 2004 Prix Marulić; The Cry of the Bittern won a Public Awareness of Science (PAWS) Drama Award in 1997; A Rose on the Obverse was a finalist in the Sunday Times Student Drama Festival in 1985.
The radio plays can be streamed on this Plays page.
The full list of publications is available for download in pdf (last updated 21 Mar 2024).