
Blame Capitalism: Degrowing Pains | Vox.com podcast

media | news | October 3, 2023

Vox’s #TodayExplained Podcast with Tim Jackson investigating the ailing capitalist model, and ‘why the degrowth movement is having a moment’.

Who (or what) killed capitalism?⁠ Capitalism itself, CUSP director Tim Jackson writes in Post Growth—Life After Capitalism: “Capitalism has no answers to its own failings… It cannot pursue social justice while it continues to prioritize profit. It cannot protect our climate while it continues to idolize the stock market. It finds itself powerless, at the mercy of circumstance, when the lives of millions are at stake. Capitalism’s core belief in eternal growth lies trembling in the ruins.”

Tim recently joined Noel King for her vox.com series on ‘Blame Capitalism’ to discuss the subject, and the emerging relevance of postgrowth economics and policy making.

Podcast link

The full podcast series is available on the usual platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcast.

This post also appeared on the CUSP website.