System Dynamics 34 results

Post-growth: the science of wellbeing within planetary boundaries | Journal Paper

A comprehensive new review by leading experts in the sustainability science field is challenging the long-held assumption that economic growth is necessary for societal progress. Published in The Lancet Planetary Health, this paper explores the rapidly advancing field of postgrowth research and presents a compelling case for prosperity without growth.

Macroeconomic, sectoral and financial dynamics in energy transitions: A stock-flow consistent, input-output approach.

This paper develops a stock-flow consistent, input-output model to simulate risks, opportunities, and non-linear dynamics associated with green investment, energy returns, financial risks, and various energy transition pathways to net zero.

Growth and the planet | Reuters Podcast

Climate change is raising questions about a central tenet of economics: growth. Host Carmel Crimmins is joined by economist Tim Jackson to talk about consumerism and the environment and what “post growth” might look like. Plus, we hear from the person who compiles Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index.

Confronting the dilemma of growth. A response to Warlenius.

This commentary responds to a recent article purporting to identify ‘limits to degrowth’. This paper clarifies and sets in context the tensions between growth rates and decoupling rates on which the contested argument is based, disputing the claim that growth is the best way to achieve high rates of decoupling.

Post Growth and the North-South Divide: a post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent analysis | Working Paper

This working paper describes a two-region post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent macroeconomic model set out to analyse macroeconomic implications of a postgrowth transition in advanced countries on the economic and environmental conditions in the rest of the world

Pathways towards Sustainable Prosperity in the EU | Second Post-Growth conference at EU Parliament

On 15-17 May 2023, scientists, politicians, policymakers and civil society organisations are gathering in Brussels for the second Post-Growth Conference for Europe. The event is a cross-party initiative of 20 Members of the European Parliament, supported by a wide-range of partner organisations.

Towards a Model of Baumol’s Cost Disease in a Postgrowth Economy—developments of the FALSTAFF stock-flow consistent (SFC) model

This working paper describes an extension of the stock-flow consistent FALSTAFF model to test the existence of a monetary growth imperative. The extension is designed to simulate the phenomenon known as Baumol’s cost disease which arises from the existence of differential labour productivity rates in a mixed economy.

BBC Radio 4 Rethink Series | Green economy, money and prosperity

What may switching to a green economy mean for the way we live and work and is it compatible with economic growth? Together with his invited guests and co-hosts, Amol Rajan is exploring key questions around money, prosperity and the green economy.

Is it time to rethink endless economic growth?—Guardian Science Weekly Podcast

In the Cop27 special, Ian Sample speaks to Tim Jackson about the myth of eternal growth, other ways to think about progress and prosperity, and what an economic system in balance with our planetary system might look like.

Beyond the Debt Controversy—Re-framing fiscal and monetary policy for a post-pandemic era | Working Paper and Policy Briefing

In the years since the financial crisis, a heated debate has broken out amongst macroeconomists about the appropriate roles of fiscal and monetary policy in managing public sector debt. This working paper and accompanying policy briefing introduce the main lines of argument on both sides of the controversy. We find i.a. that a return to fiscal austerity would be both dangerous and unjustified and that moving beyond ideology is key to the levelling-up agenda.

World Scientists Warning into Action—Tim Jackson in conversation with Ed Gemmell at #COP26

Press conference on post-growth economics, zero carbon sooner and the climate economics challenge at #COP26. Hosted by Scientists Warning Europe, 5 November 2021.

Zero Carbon Sooner — Revised case for an early zero carbon target for the UK | Paper

This paper is an update of an earlier briefing note, revised to take account of new findings from the IPCC’s updated 6th Assessment Report (AR6). The broad aim of the paper is to establish how soon the UK should aim for (net) zero carbon emissions.

INET podcast on Life after Capitalism | Tim Jackson in conversation with Rob Johnson

INET's Executive Director Rob Johnson talks with Jackson about his new book, "Post Growth: Life after Capitalism," and how we might break free of the cycle of restrictive thinking which has plagued economics, and the world.

Is economic growth compatible with solving climate change? | Tim Jackson in conversation with Zeke Hausfather from Breakthrough Institute

Can an economy grow and curb climate emissions? That’s the dual feat that President Joe Biden is trying to accomplish. Economists and environmentalists are split on this question. The World’s host Marco Werman discusses this with climate scientist Zeke Hausfather at The Breakthrough Institute in California, and ecological economist Tim Jackson at the University of Surrey whose book, “Post Growth: Life After Capitalism,” comes out end of May.

Confronting inequality in the “new normal”: Hyper‐capitalism, proto‐socialism, and post‐pandemic recovery | Journal Paper

Post‐pandemic recovery must address the systemic inequality that has been revealed by the coronavirus crisis. The roots of this inequality predate the pandemic and even the global financial crisis. They lie rather in the uneasy relationship between labor and capital under conditions of declining economic growth

Energy transition risk: The impact of declining energy return on investment (EROI) | Journal Paper

The TranSim modelling work shows that the negative effects associated with the transition—recession, stagnation, stagflation, increasing inequality and asset stranding—are positively related to the capital intensity of green energy production and reductions in EROI. Policy makers should pay close attention to the overall EROI of the entire energy system when determining energy policy. If significant reductions in EROI are unavoidable, then policy could be used to mitigate some of its negative economic effects.

Modelling Transition Risk—Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework

This working paper summarises the initial findings of a project whose aim has been to develop an agent-based (AB), stock-flow-consistent (SFC) macroeconomic framework to study the economic, financial and social implications of the transition to a net zero carbon economy.

Modelling Transition Risk | Blog

Tim Jackson summarises the recent TRansit project which has pioneered a novel agent-based, stock-flow consistent macro-economic model. Tim discusses the findings from the project and sets them in the context of the Bank of England’s work on ‘transition risk’.

Podcast | Covid unemployment: a new crisis?—BBC World Service with Tim Jackson

Millions have been left without work as the coronavirus pandemic continues to devastate economies across the globe. How does surging unemployment complicate the global response to the pandemic? Dan Damon and a panel of experts discuss what should be done for the BBC World Service.

The Transition to a Sustainable Prosperity | Journal Paper by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor

This paper presents a stock-flow consistent (SFC) macroeconomic simulation model for Canada. Contrary to the widely accepted view, the results suggest that ‘green growth’ (in the Carbon Reduction Scenario) may be slower than ‘brown growth’. More importantly, we show (in the Sustainable Prosperity Scenario) that improved environmental and social outcomes are possible even as the growth rate declines to zero.

Using critical slowing down indicators to understand economic growth rate variability and secular stagnation | NATURE paper

Global economic stability could be difficult to recover in the wake of the Covid-19, this Nature article finds. Even before the Covid-19 crisis, many of the world’s leading economies were experiencing larger slower growth cycles (recession cycles), suggesting precisely such a period of critical slowing down in the economic system. This analysis suggests that the added weight of the Covid-19 crisis may result in one of the weakest and most unstable recoveries in recorded history for many economies.

Biodiversity in a post-growth environment | Evidence submission to the EAC Possible Future Inquiry

In early Spring this year, written submissions were invited to aid the Committee in prioritising its future programme of work. CUSP director Tim Jackson submitted evidence, making the case for necessary innovations in governance and a realistic and responsible approach to the management of the economy: Sustainable Development Goals and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity cannot be achieved without transformative change, the conditions for which have to be put in place now.

Unravelling the claims for (and against) green growth | Science Article by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor

It is clear that the larger the economy becomes, the more difficult it is to decouple that growth from its material impacts... This isn't to suggest that decoupling itself is either unnecessary or impossible. On the contrary, decoupling well-being from material throughput is vital if societies are to deliver a more sustainable prosperity—for people and for the planet. (This article is posted on the Science website).

LowGrow SFC—A stock-flow-consistent ecological macroeconomic model for Canada | Paper

This working paper by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor presents a stock-flow consistent (SFC) simulation model of a national economy, calibrated on the basis of Canadian data. LowGrow SFC describes the evolution of the Canadian economy in terms of six financial sectors. Contrary to the accepted wisdom, the results indicate the feasibility of improved environmental and social outcomes, even as the growth rate declines to zero.

2050 is too late—we must drastically cut emissions much sooner

At current rates of reduction, the UK fair carbon budget will be spent in just four years' time, Tim Jackson writes in his blog for The Conversation. "Every year that progress is delayed, the challenge only gets bigger", he argues, we don't only need a credible strategy on zero carbon targets, but also emission pathways, with a defined level of negative emission technologies.

“All Models are Wrong”—The challenge of modelling ‘deep decarbonisation | Paper

This briefing paper summarises the dilemma associated with using mainstream, macroeconomic models to guide disruptive, transformative change such as those that might occur under ‘deep decarbonisation’: a rapid transition to a net-zero carbon economy. Some form of macro-economic modelling framework is essential to enable policy-makers to exercise short- and long-term fiscal responsibility. Incremental models based on historical behaviour, however, are a poor guide to outcomes under circumstances of disruptive change.

Zero Carbon Sooner —The case for an early zero carbon target for the UK | Paper

This briefing paper addresses the question of when the UK should aim for zero (or net zero) carbon emissions. Tim Jackson is making the case for a (fair) zero carbon target of 2030, and calling for a policy strategy on emission pathways, with a defined level of negative emission technologies.

A shift in temperature—the financial challenge of a zero carbon economy | Blog by Tim Jackson and Andrew Jackson

Climate emergency demands a wholescale shift away from fossil fuels. Tim Jackson and Andrew Jackson reflect here on the emerging concept of 'transition risk', a key element in the Bank of England's response to climate change, and outline the challenges inherent in understanding and modelling it.

Beyond Redistribution—Confronting inequality in an era of low growth | Policy Briefing for APPG on Limits to Growth

The second in the series of briefing papers on building An Economy That Works explores inequality in the UK. It examines the evidence for rising inequality over the last fifty years, estimates the economic welfare lost to society from an unequal distribution of incomes and addresses the critical question of managing inequality in the context of declining growth rates.

How the light gets in—The science behind growth scepticism

The Entropy Law still matters. CUSP director Tim Jackson responds to Michael Liebreich’s essay on the ‘The secret of eternal growth’.—"Because we are intelligent does not mean that there is no such thing as limits. We cannot usefully ‘imagine’ the available carbon budget to be bigger than it actually is. Our ‘wonder’ will not in itself preserve the species lost precipitously in recent decades in the relentless pursuit of eternal growth."

LowGrow SFC: An ecological macroeconomic simulation model

System dynamics model by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor is live now, developing sustainable prosperity scenarios for the Canadian economy out to 2067. LowGrow SFC is part of a suite of system dynamics models developed by Tim Jackson and Peter Victor, including SIGMA, which addresses the key challenge of inequality in the context of declining growth rates; and FALSTAFF, which explores the financial and economic dimensions of a post-growth economy.

Understanding the ‘New Normal’—The Challenge of Secular Stagnation | Policy Briefing for APPG on Limits to Growth

This first in a series of briefing papers on building An Economy That Works explores the underlying phenomenon of ‘secular stagnation’ – a long-term decline in the rate of growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The paper examines the evidence, explores the causes and discusses the implications of what some now call the ‘new normal’.

The Post-Growth Challenge — Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth | Paper

Sluggish recovery in the wake of the financial crisis has revived discussion of a ‘secular stagnation’. These conditions have been blamed for rising inequality and political instability. Tim Jackson contests this view, pointing instead to a steadfast refusal to address the ‘post-growth challenge’.

Confronting inequality in a post-growth world – Basic income, factor substitution and the future of work | Paper

Piketty argued that slow growth rates inevitably lead to rising inequality. If true, this hypothesis would pose serious challenges for a ‘post-growth’ society. If true, this hypothesis would pose serious challenges for a ‘post-growth’ society. Fiscal responses to this dilemma include Piketty’s own suggestion to tax capital assets and more recent suggestions to provide a universal basic income that would allow even the poorest in society to meet basic needs.