In addition to his ground-breaking work in Material Concerns (1996) and Prosperity Without Growth (2009/2017), Tim Jackson has worked on a number of edited collections. A list of his books can be accessed below.
Jackson, T 2017. Prosperity without Growth – Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow. London: Routledge.
Costanza R, Alperovitz G, Daly H, Farley J, Franco C, Jackson T, Kubiszewski I, Schor J, Victor P. 2013: Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy –in-Society- in-Nature. ANU E Press, Caberra, Australia.
Peters, M, S Fudge and T Jackson (eds) 2010. Low carbon communities: imaginative approaches to combating climate change locally. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without Growth – Economics for a Finite Planet. London: Earthscan.
Jackson, T (ed) 2006. Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption. London: Earthscan.
Mulugetta, Y, Doig A and T Jackson 2006. Energy for Rural Livelihoods: a framework for sustainable decision-making, London, ITDG Publishers.
Jackson, T (ed) 2001. Mitigating Climate Change: the flexibility mechanisms, Elsevier Science, Oxford.
Jackson, T, K Begg and S Parkinson 2001. Flexibility in Climate Policy – making the Kyoto Mechanisms work, Earthscan, London.
Jackson, T 1997. Power in balance – energy challenges for the 21st century, Friends of the Earth, London. 176pp.
Jackson, T 1996. Material Concerns – pollution profit and quality of life, Routledge, London, 218pp.
Jackson, T (ed) 1993. Clean Production Strategies – developing preventive environmental management in the industrial economy, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Fl., 415pp.
Jackson, T (ed) 1993. Renewable Energy: prospects for implementation, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 272pp.
Jackson, T 1992. Efficiency without Tears: no regrets energy policy to combat climate change, Friends of the Earth, London, 82pp.
Further reading
Jackson, T 2018: The Post-Growth Challenge: Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth. CUSP Working Paper No 12. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson, T 2016. Beyond consumer capitalism – foundations for a sustainable prosperity. CUSP Working Paper No 2. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Jackson, T 2013.