Can economies thrive without growth? | RSA Radio, June 2017

media | June 6, 2017

Can economies thrive without growth? | RSA Radio, June 2017

When economies stop growing they go into crisis, but it seems impossible for them to grow forever without causing ecological catastrophe. Matthew Taylor talks to Tim Jackson about the big dilemma in sustainability and his book ‘Prosperity without Growth’ (2009/2017) which charted a way out of it. Can we safely stabilize the size of the economy? What’s behind our insatiable demand for new things? What revolutions are required in the nature of enterprise, policy and values to create prosperity without growth?


RSA Radio is a new series of interviews and discussion programmes by the RSA, “exploring contemporary social challenges”. You can follow it on iTunes Podcast and other podcast apps. More information about the 2nd edition of Prosperity Without Growth can be accessed here.